15. Madness got the point across where sanity wouldn't.
16. Denmark is a bad place to be, its pratically a prison, and that's where most people try to seek death and revenge.
17. Hamlet is all crazy because he is heart brooken, and he has a enemy that won't let Hamlet be with his daughter.
18. Rosencarntz and Guildenstern go to spy on Hamlet to find out of he is really in love with Ophila, so they start asking him questions like, "What are you up to?" but Hamlet knew that they were just trying to fool him.
19. Hamlet thinks that Polionius is gonna come tell him about the players that are coming.
20. Japhiah sacrificed his daughter for polotics and they are comparing Polonis to Japhiah.
21. He like Prias because he is trying to seek revenge for his father, Hamlet would of killed him right away but Prias would of waited for a second.
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